English Language Learners
Moving with Math® programs have proven effective in developing language acquisition and academic content with non English-speaking students. Key components for English Language Learners are:
- Manipulatives used to introduce every math concept
- Emphasis on technical math vocabulary (glossaries, vocabulary, journal prompts, Sum It Ups)
- Practice in problem solving
Instruction Using Manipulatives
No matter what language is used in the classroom, manipulatives convey the essential underpinning of mathematical concepts. Teacher-friendly scripted lesson plans increase teachers' confidence and background knowledge of math concepts.
Language Acquisition and Math Vocabulary
Oral and written communication between students and between teacher and student are integrated in all activities. These include math glossaries in English (and Spanish for Spanish Resource Programs), vocabulary cards, real-world examples, and small group activities to encourage discussion, explanation, and writing word problems.
Problem Solving
Students using manipulatives and related hands-on strategies develop understanding of math concepts that can then be used in successful problem solving.
Spectacular Results in ELL Programs!
The Minnesota Migrant Program has used Moving with Math for three years in a row. Results just keep getting better!
Minnesota Migrant Program ResultsArlington ISD in Texas used Moving with Math for their 1st and 2nd graders in a supportive math program for ELL students. The percent of increase in mean scores was 24%. The average gain for each student was 43%!
Arlington ISD - ELL Results