Moving with Math®Connections covers all objectives from Pre-Kindergarten through grade 2 in four comprehensive grade level books. Instructional strategies from classic early childhood studies are embedded in the teacher friendly lesson plans using manipulatives. Connections to literacy and language acquisition are made through the integration of 200 children's trade books.
"In my 23 years doing market research I have never seen such outstanding numbers like those which Math
Teachers Press received on the recent Best Customer Study. I have never had a client earn a perfect grade
on a subject in which every single Best Customer gives a client an "A" grade."
"To solve a problem is to find a way where no way is known offhand, to find a way out of difficulty, to find a way around an obstacle, to attain a desired end, that is not immediately attainable by appropriate means."
"The activities you selected highlighted the importance of helping students move from the concrete to the abstract in stages. You also modeled differentiation as you tailored each session to meet the diverse needs of our participants."
"The workshops helped teachers reach students who are struggling in math ... Teacher evaluations were positive ... The teachers have reported student improvement."