
Math Teachers Press, Inc. Awarded Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDEA) Contract for Kindergarten – Grade 5 Intervention Mathematics Resources

It has been an honor and privilege to work with the many Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDEA) educational professionals all over the world this past year and a half. Like other educators in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, they are working tirelessly to help their struggling students find success in math using the Moving with Math® program.

In addition to hands-on Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) lessons, DoDEA educators have access to e-guides and online assessment which they have used in various virtual and hybrid settings at their schools to keep learning engaging and productive. For them, online assessment allows teachers to track individual student progress on standard objectives and have that information follow them as they travel within the worldwide DoDEA system.

For Math Teachers Press, the partnership has been challenging and exciting as we developed professional development relationships with the DoDEA Instructional Support Specialists and Intervention Teachers in DoDEA’s three regions. Through virtual trainings and recorded modules they have the knowledge, information and skills to implement the Moving with Math Extensions program with fidelity. We are moved by their dedication to the children of military and finding ways to support them throughout their educational journey.

If you wish to learn more about our partnership with DoDEA Click Here to read the full Press Release or email Mary LaBanca at [email protected]

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