Foundations Sampler 2024

14 CONCEPTUAL BASED INSTRUCTION 5 Step Explicit Instruction Using CRA Developing Conceptual Understanding Foundations enables all students to be successful, regardless of their academic background, English language proficiency, or special learning needs. Using true manipulatives within the CRA process is the most important strategy for improving success and closing the achievement gap. The Concrete–Representational–Abstract (CRA) pedagogy is used in every lesson to develop conceptual understanding and provide access for all students. This develop- mental approach is based on stages of learning as described by cognitive psychologist Jean Piaget and learning theorist Jerome Bruner. Instruction moves students through the three stages: Stages of Learning “Touch it. See it. Say it.” • Conceptual learning begins at the Concrete level with real world experiences and true manipulative activities. Students look, touch, feel, and explore objects to help discover the big idea within the mathematical concept, e.g., 2 parts plus 2 parts is the same as 2 + 2 = 4. • Representational stage involves communication as students draw pictures and work in small groups to write and talk about math. The student page shows a pictorial representation of manipulatives linking the hands-on experience to the abstract stage. • The Abstract numerals and symbols are used as students begin applying and practicing their new learning. As students move through these stages of learning, they also experience the three learning styles: kinesthetic , visual , and auditory . Learning Styles “Evidence indicated that manipulatives provide valuable support for students when teachers interact over time with students to help them build links between the object, the symbol, and the mathematical idea both represent.” —Adding It Up, National Research Council Kinesthetic Visual Auditory Concrete Manipulative Representational Picture Abstract Written Symbol

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