All Product Catalog 2024

23 Professional Development Teachers are empowered with tools to lead meaningful CRA instruction for every lesson. Lightly-scripted lesson plans provide Professional Development every day as teachers guide students through discovery and understanding of concepts using concrete manipulatives. Assessment guiding data-driven instruction coupled with Daily Reviews and Progress Monitoring build long- term retention, and give teachers a complete system to achieve great results! Family Math Brings Everyone Together Research has shown that achievement goes up when the family is included in their student’s education. All Moving with Math® programs include a Parent Handbook in English or Spanish to share each student’s progress and give families suggestions for incorporating math activities at home. This valuable tool makes it easy for teachers and administrators to keep lines of communication open with families as their students move through the program. Teacher Support Every Day Teacher proficiency has shown to be the most important factor affecting student achievement, outweighing other contributing factors like race, socio-economic levels, and class size. Rivers and Sanders, 1996 “ ”

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