All Product Catalog 2024
Moving with Math ® “I know how to teach Algebra, I just don’t know what to do when they don’t get it.” LA Unified Teacher—LA Times Our Educational Consultants hear themes of this quote every day as they listen to educators across the country who have students struggling with math. Teachers share stories of students with learning disabilities or who are English Learners needing a different approach to learning math. Adminis- trators and teachers are frustrated by the lack of research-based resoures to meet the needs of their challenged students. Administrators are searching for a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) program that is a standards-based curriculum with exceptional teacher support and proven results . In the classroom, teachers are looking for a well-organized system that makes it easy to assess and direct individualized instruction with curriculum that is engaging and fun for students . We invite you to browse our catalog and learn why so many have found the Moving with Math programs the solution to meet their needs! 800.852.2435 or
[email protected] Research Shows Using Manipulatives Raises Achievement At the heart of all Moving with Math programs are carefully crafted manipulative-based lessons using the Concrete–Representational–Abstract (CRA) instruction model. Teachers guide students through the three stages of learning with Hands-On acƟviƟes and games that make learning dynamic and fun. Students of all learning styles and languages find meaning and success using manipulaƟves. Students are engaged as they use concrete manipulaƟves to explore and discover the paƩerns that develop conceptual understanding crucial for long term rentenƟon. Concrete Manipulative Representational Picture Abstract WrittenSymbol
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