Results Brochure Vol 11
WHERE: Elementary special education students in Arlington ISD, Texas WHO: Special education students in grades 2, 3, 5, and 6 WHEN: During a summer school program administered after the school year PURPOSE: To use the Moving with Math ® Extensions math program to raise passing rates Arlington ISD, Texas: Special Education INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING INCREASE IN MEAN SCORES Of those students who did not pass the Pre-Test, 76% passed the Post-Test. 76% Passed CHANGE WITHIN THE NON-PASSING GROUP The increase in passing students in grades 2–6 was 240%. The increase in mean scores was 50%. The average gain for each student was 63%. These materials are teacher friendly, skill specific, and incorporate the latest in mathematics research in their design. I would recommend these materials to anyone looking for a comprehensive program for their students. ” Special Education Curriculum Coordinator 2
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