Results Brochure Vol 11
29 KGN Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 33.31 23.60 Moving with Math ® Control Group 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Average Increase in Scores Fall to Spring SAT-9 Results Score *Source: George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education. Washington, D.C. Schools Students at 75% Basic St. Paul Summer School Results 2015 INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING District of Columbia Study AVERAGE INCREASE IN SCORES FALL TO SPRING SAT-9 RESULTS The overall percent of increase in grades K–4 was 80%! St. Paul, Minnesota Over 14,000 students in Grades K–12 TX Special Education Program MN Migrant Program INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING 15 Migrant sch Migrant Program, Minnesota This program was well suited for our students, most of whom a Spanish-speaking. Teachers like the structure it provides. At the shows you actually accomplished something. Attendance has imp students want to come because they feel they are learning somet INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING The overall percent of students passing went from 46% on the Pre-Test to 64% on the Post-Test. The combined mean score increas from 58% to 70%, a 21% increa INCREASE IN MEAN SCORES Joyce Biagini, Program Director “ CHANGE WITHIN THE NON-PASSING GROUP Statistically Significant Achievement Gains! Over 11,000 District of Columbia students who had scored Basic or Below Basic on the Stanford Test attended 30 two-hour Saturday sessions. Students showed statisti- cally significant achievement gains on the Stanford Test compared to a control group with similar abilities. The increase in score for Moving with Math ® students was more than 40 percent greater than students with similar ability in the control group. The Basic and Below Basic students showed the greatest gains! The percent of increase in students pass- ing ranged from 20% to 100%. See summer school programs for Basic and Below Basic in St. Paul, special education in Texas, and migrant programs in Minnesota. The overall percent of increase in grades 2–6 was 240%. The overall percent of students passing went from 46% on the Pre-Test to 64% on the Post-Test.
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