Results Brochure Vol 11
28 Washoe County School District, Nevada INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING The percent of increase ranged from 52% in Grade 4 to 1533% in Grade 3. The overall percent of increase was 120%. 40% Passed WHERE: Washoe County Public Schools, Reno, Nevada WHO: Math enrichment students in grades 1–5 and 8 WHEN: Summer School PURPOSE: To use the Moving with Math ® Math by Topic materials to teach the weakest skills while reviewing all topics at each grade level CHANGE WITHIN THE NON-PASSING GROUP Forty percent of the students who did not pass the Pre-Test, did pass the Post-Test. Gr 3 Gr 2 Gr 1 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 8 ALL Percent of Students Passing Gr 3 Gr 2 Gr 1 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 8 ALL Percent of Change in Means The percent of increase ranged from 20% in Grade 1 to 48% in Grade 8. The overall percent of increase was 36%. The teachers who taught summer school this year have reported student improvement. They said that the program was easy to teach, and the students were excited about using it. “ Cathleen McStroul—Math Program Consultant 4–7 Regional Center for Teaching and Learning ” INCREASE IN MEAN SCORES
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