Results Brochure Vol 11
WHERE: 12 elementary schools throughout School District 18, Brooklyn, New York WHO: Approximately 3,000 students who were below grade level WHEN: Intervention School Program PURPOSE: To use Moving with Math ® Intervention to raise passing rates among the lowest achievers New York School District 18 (Brooklyn) INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING The percent of increase in students passing in grades 1–5 rose from 49% in grade 2 to 1500% in grade 5. The overall increase in students passing was 96%. The combined mean score for grades 1–5 increased by 27%. The increase ranged from 19% in grade 1 to 41% in grade 5. 30% Passed CHANGE WITHIN THE NON-PASSING GROUP Of the 387 students who failed the Pre-Test, 117 of them (30%) passed the Post-Test. INCREASE IN MEAN SCORES 20
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