Results Brochure Vol 11
64% Passed CHANGE WITHIN THE NON-PASSING GROUP WHERE: District-wide summer school in Montgomery County, Maryland WHO: Over 500 students in grades 6–8 WHEN: 20 days during summer PURPOSE: To raise passing rates among the lowest achievers, and help develop core understanding Montgomery County School District, Maryland INCREASE IN STUDENTS PASSING The percent of passing grades increased from 58% in grade 8 to 411% in grade 6. The overall increase was 209%. The mean score increase ranged from 21% in grade 8 to 51% in grade 6. The average growth in mean scores was 22% in grade 6, 19% in grade 7, and 15% in grade 8. The increase for grades 6, 7, and 8 combined was 32%. INCREASE IN MEAN SCORES Sixty-four percent of students who did not pass the Pre-Test passed the Post-Test. 18
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