Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
TROUBLESHOOTING Broadband Internet Connections A basic “DSL” (ADSL) connection provides enough bandwidth for up to 25 concurrent students (with moderate miscellaneous school use of the internet at the same time and there will be system lag from time to time). A better “DSL” (SDSL) connection provides enough bandwidth for 25–40 concurrent students (with moderate miscellaneous school use of the internet at the same time and there will be some system lag from time to time). A high-speed “cable” connection would be a school’s best choice for their money. This provides enough bandwidth for 35+ concurrent students (with moderate miscellaneous school use of the internet at the same time and there will only be slight system lag from time to time). A “T1” or “Bonded T1” connection is best but is more expensive. This connection allows for 60+ concurrent users with no noticable lag. In General... Student computers that are “wirelessly” connected to the school’s internet connection will have a MUCH higher rate of lag and disconnection than computers that are directly connected to the school’s internet connection via ethernet cable. The school modem (which receives the ISP signal) and the router(s) (which distribute that internet signal throughout the school) need to be of high quality. The school/district IT person/department should be able to analyze each school’s situation and know if their current internet connection is sufficient. If not, they can test their connection at http://www.speedtest.net/. Testing during normal to high internet use will yield more accurate results. Page 50
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