Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
Remember that these reports are based on test results, so they will not be available until at least some students in the class have taken a test. If you want complete results, wait until all students have taken a test. Planning Reports Teachers click these buttons to view each planning report after students have taken a test. To view these reports, just click “Planning Reports” at the top of the screen. Screen Instructions: • After students take the Pre-Test, these reports help teachers plan for differentiated instruction. These reports group students by achievement, by content strand and by learning objective. In addition, a custom pacing plan for the class is generated based on Pre-Test results for each objective. • Teachers can use these reports to: 1. Generate a pacing plan based on Pre-Test results. 2. Group students for differentiated instruction based on test achievement. 3. Make learning groups based on results within specific content strands. 4. Make learning groups based on results for specific learning objectives. 5. Make cooperative learning groups of mixed ability students. Planning Reports Page 34
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