Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
All students must click “TURN IN TEST” before test results are considered final. Tests will be labeled as unfinished until students click “TURN IN TEST.” If a student has finished their test but forgets to click on “TURN IN TEST,” they will have to log in again (their answers are still saved) and click on the “Next” button throughout the entire test until the end, then click on “TURN IN TEST.” Finishing the Tests and Check Points Students click here to turn in their test. After doing so, they can no longer change any answers. Students click here to start at problem 1 and review all of their answers. After students have answered all prob- lems, the computer asks them if they want to review their answers. Screen Instructions: • This screen appears after students have answered all problems on the test. • If students want to review their answers, they click on “YES.” The screen goes back to problem 1 and students can go through each of their answers. • If students do not want to review their answers, they click on “NO.” After clicking that button, the “TURN IN TEST” screen appears. After clicking the “TURN IN TEST” button, their results are officially entered into the system and the student can no longer change their answers. Page 31 Student Testing
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