Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
When reviewing skipped problems, the program will no longer allow students to skip problems. Students must answer each problem before the program will allow students to turn in the test. Skipped Problems Screen Instructions: • During the test, students are permitted to skip problems for which they do not know the answer. At the end of the test, however, students must answer any problems they skipped. • The program will tell students how many problems they did not answer, then students click the “Answer Skipped Problems” button to finish those problems. • The program will present the skipped problems in order of first appearance on the test. Students answer the skipped problem, then proceed to the next skipped problem. Students click here to return to unanswered problems from their test. Students can skip problems on the test, but must answer them before turning in the test. Students are taken back to each prob- lem they skipped during the test. Page 30 Student Testing
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