Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
Student Test Information Screen Students select “Start Test” to begin testing. Read the instructions together with the class. Add your own testing rules verbally. The student’s name and class will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Screen Instructions: • The screen explains how the test will work for the students. Read the instructions aloud and give additional test rules as needed (such as, “don’t talk during testing”). This same screen will appear for the Check Point reviews . • Each student is allowed a pencil and scratch paper on which to work out problems. • Remind students that they can change their answer at any time by clicking on a different circle. • Another option for teachers is to provide students with a printed version of the test or Check Point review (see page 19). Students can work their problems on the paper version while completing the online test. • The test has no preset time limit. Students will be able to continue so long as they are within the times the teacher specified on pages 17–18. • Students will not be able to finish the test until they have tried every problem. If students attempt to turn in their test without answering all problems, the test will automatically return the students to problems they skipped the first time. Page 26 Student Testing
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