Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
Manage Tests Assign Test Dates and Times Click this button to assign the test so students can take the web- based test. Pick a starting time and ending time for testing on each day. Pick a starting date and ending date for the students to take this test. Screen Instructions: • To assign (activate) a test, fill in the starting and ending dates and times, then select the “Assign Test” button after you are finished. Students will be able to take the test only between the start and stop times for the dates entered. • Pick “Assign Test” after you have entered the dates and times. Note that the test will be available only during the hours you specify on the dates you specify. For example, if you set the dates for 6-1-15 to 6-2-15 and the times from 8 a.m. to 9:15 a.m., students will only be able to access the test from 8 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. on June 1 and 2. Assign Tests Page 18
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