Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
Page 17 Pick Test to Assign Current testing information is listed for each test. Teachers can either assign a test or change testing dates and times by clicking on a test. The Pre-, Bench, & Post-Tests must be Inactive in order to Activate the Check Point Tests. Screen Instructions: • This screen shows the current status of each test, including times and dates during which each test is active. Teachers choose a test by clicking on the button with the test name. After choosing a test, the computer will take you to the next screen where you enter the dates and times that the test will be taken. Assign Tests You must assign and complete the Pre-Test before the Benchmark Test or Post- Test can be assigned. However, if your District Administrator chooses, students may take the Benchmark Test and Post-Test before the Pre-Test. Please check with your District administrator to see if this is an option. The Pre-, Bench, and Post-Tests must be Inactive in order to Activate the Check Point Tests. Manage Tests
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