Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
Page 15 Manage Tests Main Screen “Test Status” gives teachers a quick overview of testing information. Teachers need to print usernames and passwords for students to log in for their tests. Screen Instructions: • This screen gives teachers control over all testing functions. • This screen allows you to decide if your student’s can access their testing information through the Student Dashboard. • Select “Assign Tests” to assign a test or to change the time period during which a test is active. This brings you to the page that lists the tests and lets you activate a test or change testing times (see pages 17–18). • Select “View/Print Tests” to preview or print the online test in Acrobat PDF format. • Select the “View/Print Student Usernames and Passwords” to print passwords for the students who are taking the tests. • Select “Test Status” to view a report that shows the status of all tests. • Select “View Student Activity” to view student activity on tests. • Select “Enter Student Test Data” to manually enter students’ Pre-, Benchmark, and/or Post-Test results if a student is unable to take the online test. • Select “Enter Student Check Point Results” to manually enter students’ Check Point results if a student is unable to take the online test. Teachers can assign tests, or they can view and change testing times and dates. Manage Tests
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