Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
Adding Students to a Class Enter each student’s information, then select “Add Student” to add the student to the list. If you plan on emailing Skill Builders to your students, remember to enter their email address . This side lists the students you have added to your class. Screen Instructions: • For each student, enter the student information on the right side of the screen. The password will automatically be added and cannot be changed. After you have entered the student information, select “Add Student” to add the student to the class list on the left. • If you need to change student information after you have added it, then select “Edit Student” by the student you want to change (see next screen). • Even after you have set up all of your students, you will be able to change any information. See page 14 for details. • New or moved students can be added to the class from the “Add New Student from Unassigned Students” box. Click on a student from the list and select “Add Student” to transfer that student to your class. Your District or School Administrator will transfer students to this area for you. Enter days absent in the box next to each student, then click “Save Absence Information.” Select “Edit Student” to change student information. Page 13 Manage Students
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