Extensions Assessment - User_Teacher
List of Classes (Assistive Technology Accessibility) This screen lists all classes for the teacher and allows the teacher to change any setting. Screen Instructions: • This screen shows you the list of classes you have entered and options for changing these classes. • The first button (Edit Book Code) in each row shows the book/grade the students in that class are using. This information determines which test the computer uses. Click on the button to change the book/grade. • The second button (Add or Edit Students) allows you to edit or change the students in that class. • The third button (Edit/Delete Class) allows you to change the name of the class or delete the class completely. It also has the option to change the way student tests are viewed. You can change from the default “Images Only” view to “Text Only.” This option should be selected if using a screen reader for assistive technology accessibility. • The fourth button (Pick Class) allows you to pick that class for viewing reports and managing tests. • Click “Add Another Class” at the bottom of the page to continue adding your classes. Page 12 List of Classes When using a screen reader, select the “Text Only” option. This button allows teachers to change the name of the class or to delete the class complete- ly. Also contains the options for assistive accessibility.
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