Extensions eGuide User Manual
Page 12 Using the eGuide Navigating the eGuide Main Navigation panel (cont) : • Go to the next page of the eGuide to see the main Table of Contents for the book. The eGuides are designed to show you a full spread, just like a real book. • There are also navigation buttons in the lower right-hand corner. These give you the options for next, last, previous, first. There is also a start slideshow button, but it isn’t recommended for navigation • The small triangles indicate an expandable section. Click the triangle to expand. If you wish, there is an expand all button at the bottom of the panel. Click expand all and scroll up and down to see all the available sections and pages. Click on the page you want to go to. The eGuides offer many different ways to navigate. Because of the limitation stated above, using the Main Navigation Panel is the preferred form of navigation. All of the sections are always available for your convenience. If you navigate from one section to another, the best way to get back to the section you were just in is to use the Main Navigation Panel. You enter the page number you were on in the page number box. NOTE: The page number of the eGuide does not equal the page number printed at the bottom of the pages
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