Evidence Based Research Brochure
Implementation Features Evaluation - To what degree were the Moving with Math curricular features and instructional methods implemented as designed? The extent to which teachers integrated these and other key features into their instruction determined the degrees of implementation of the curricula and was related to the level of use that the teacher attained. Impact Evaluation (continued) Effectiveness of STARS According to Student Ability Level To assess the effectiveness of the STARS program for students of varying ability levels, the same mixed model analysis of covariance described previously was used to analyze the performance of five sets of students grouped according to their performance on the fall SAT-9. Examination of the gains on the Total Math scale scores indicated that participation in STARS benefited a wider range of students. Gains on the Total Math scale (as indicated by scores on the spring SAT-9) were s ignificantly greater for STARS participants whose fall Total Math scores had been below 75% of the Basic performance standard, 90% to 99% of the Basic performance standard, and within the Basic performance standard range. Table 4. Performance of STARS vs. non-STARS Students on Total Math Scale, SAT-9 Total Math Scale Eta of SAT-9 df F p Squared All Students 1, 10,976 8.15 .004** .001 Above Basic 1, 1458 .887 .349 .001 Basic 1, 4331 16.23 .000*** .004 90-99% of Basic 1, 1379 10.47 .001*** .008 75-89% of Basic 1, 1536 1.75 .187 .001 Below 75% of Basic 1, 2739 11.40 .001*** .004 *p < .05 **p < .01 ***p < .001 Table 2-4. Critical Moving with Math Implementation Features Pacing Teachers receive weekly pacing plans to help them stay on track. Manipulatives This approach uses manipulatives to teach all essential math concepts. Real- world problems and problem-solving strategies, such as drawing pictures, acting out problems, and finding the pattern, are integrated into each lesson plan. Daily Review Introductory activities specify the objective for the day. Format Comprehensive and scripted teacher guides and pacing plans provide step-by- step instruction to reduce time spent on lesson planning. Master Sheet explains instructional methods for each objective that is to be taught. Skill Builders Skill Builders are activities that can be used at the end of a lesson to reinforce and reteach concepts that were introduced in the lesson. Teachers Most Frequently Identified Strengths in STARS program - A 50-item survey was administered to 832 teachers to determine their reaction to the various curricula used. The Moving with Math program, with its manipulatives and highly structured script format, garnered the most praise. The teachers considered it very important for all students to receive their own sets of manipulatives, because this encouraged a sense of being a “stakeholder” and thus a sense of responsibility. On the open-ended section of the survey respondents also praised the manipulatives ability to make abstract concepts more concrete . Teachers gave the Moving with Math program a 5.62 effectiveness rating on a 7-point scale, with 7 as “strongly agree.” www.movingwithmath.com 800.852.2435 As indicated in Table 4-7, teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the Moving with Math curriculum’s teaching and assessment procedures were related to perceptions that academically at-risk students made enough progress in the STARS program to warrant their promotion. Table 4-7. Impact of Implementation Factors on Students’ Academic Progress Unstandardized Standard Characteristic Beta (b) Error Beta p Effectiveness of Moving with Math .481 .100 .390 .000 Curriculum Implementation Factors Related to Perceived Impact of STARS on Students’ Academic Progress
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