Summer Math Catalog 2023

11 C o n d e n s e d R e v i e w o f A l l G r a d e L e v e l S t a n d a r d s G S t a n d a Pre-K– Grade 8 100% CorrelaƟon to CCSS GRADE LEVELS Moving with Math ® Extensions (2nd Edition) is a condensed math program designed to teach the underlying concepts of essential standards to all students in grades Pre-K – 8. The Extensions objectives embrace the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) curriculum guidelines and state standards, including a 100% correlation to the Common Core State Standards for Content and Practice (CCSS), CCSS-California (CCSS-CA), and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). See Spanish on page 14. Family Connections. Pre-Test results and fun activities develop the home-school connection Universal Access. Reseach-based strategies provide success for all—including special needs and EL students Learning Management System. Linking objectives, assessment, instruction • Objectives. Provides data to differentiate instruction. A logical sequence for instruc- tion for Pre-K – Grade 8 • Assessment. Screening Pre-Tests and Post- Tests. Progress monitoring using daily reviews and weekly check points • Instruction. Hands-on lessons using TRUE manipulatives within the CRA process develop conceptual understanding and ensure student success. Teacher Support. Lightly-scripted lesson plans and pacing calendar provide success eGuide. Provides electronic copies of pages to email to students. Professional development videos show manipulative activities Online Assessment. Pre and Post-Tests, Check Points, and all reports available online. Flexible Uses. Extended day/year and supple- mental resource to fill gaps in adopted programs

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