Special Education_2024

16 C o m p r e h e n s i v e I n t e r v e n t i o n o f E s s e n t i a l S t a n d a r d s Grades 1–8+ p r t e o f Moving with Math ® Math by Topic is a modular, continuous-progress curriculum developed to provide Response to Intervention for Tier 2 and Tier 3 math students. This approach gives flexibility for using the program within a wide grade-level span and differentiating instruction in a variety of settings. The lower reading comprehension level and white spaces make learning easier for special education and ELL students. Family Math Connections. Results on screening Pre-Tests, chapter letters and fun activities encourage the home- school connection in Parent Handbooks. Available in English and Spanish RTI Ready TM . Includes intervention strategies recommended by What Works Clearinghouse Learning Management System Connecting objectives, assessment, instruction • Objectives. Developed in a logical sequence to provide scaffolded instruction for grades 1 through 8+ • Assessment. Screening assessments include Pre- and Post-Tests for each level. Progress monitoring using Pre- and Post- chapter/unit tests and daily reviews • Instruction. Hands-on lessons using TRUE manipulatives within the CRA process engage students, develop conceptual understanding and make math fun. Professional Development. Lightly- scripted lesson plans provide daily professional development Flexible Settings. Proven successful in pull-out, in-class small groups or one- on-one daily instructional math block STRANDS Small Group Tutoring Sets Available Blended Learning. Assessments and reports available online.

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