Ext 6-8 Sampler
33.31 23.60 MovingwithMath ® Control Group 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Average Increase inScores Fall toSpringStanfordTest Results Score *Source:GeorgeWashingtonUniversityCenter for Equity andExcellence inEducation. Washington, D.C.Schools Students at 75%Basic ScientificallyBasedResearch Shows ProvenResults GeorgeWashingtonUniversity conducted an independent study of 11,000 students in theDistrict of Columbia’s extendedday program. The study found that students whoused MovingwithMath ® made statistically significant achievement gains on the Stanford test. Compared to a control group, theBasic and BelowBasic groupsmade thegreatest gains! TeacherEvaluations Teacher Surveys “Teacher perceptionswereobtained toa50-item survey by832 teachers.…regarding various aspectsof theprograms’ implementation, features, andeffectiveness compared to other programsbeingused. TeacherResponses: “The MovingwithMath program,with itsmanipulatives andhighly structured script format, garnered themost praise. The teachers considered it very important for all students to receive their own setsofmanipulatives, because this encourageda senseof beinga ‘stakeholder’ and thus a senseof responsibility. The survey respondents alsopraised themanipulatives’ concretionof abstract concepts.” “Teacher responseas to theeffectivenessof the MovingwithMath curriculumwas a5.62ona7point Likert scale,with7as ‘stronglyagree.’” “A clearmajority (89.6%) of theSaturdaySTARS instructors agreed with the statement regarding the [positive] impact of STARSon students’’ self-esteem… “Teachers’ perceptionsof theeffectivenessof the MovingwithMath curriculums’ teachingand assessment procedureswere related toperceptions that academicallyat-risk studentsmadeenough progress in theSTARSprogram towarrant their promotion. By contrast, teachers’ ratingsof the [other curricula] andSTARSprogram featureswerenot related toperceived student progress.” 4850 Park Glen Road | Minneapolis, MN 55416 1.952.546.7502 fax | www.movingwithmath.com | 1.800.852.2435
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