Ext 6-8 Sampler
20 ExplicitHandsOn Instruction Developing theConceptofaFraction Lesson7, 6ETeacherGuide 19 Objective11: Toname fractions from fractionbars. To identify similarities anddifferences among fractionbars. PD Materials: FractionBars (orFractionStripsmade from Master 14) Vocabulary: numerator, denominator FractionSimilarities andDifferences Distribute a set of FractionBars to eachgroupof 2–5 students. Each fractionbar in this set representsonewhole oroneunit suchasonewhole crackeroronewhole brownie. Look throughyour set of fractionbarswith yourgroup.Discuss inwhatways yourbars areall alikeand inwhatways theyaredifferent.Recordyour findings ina tablewith two columnsheadedSimilarities andDifferences. After 5minutes, askvolunteers from eachgroup to suggest the similarities anddifferences theyhave found. *It is very important that the last similarity—that eachwholebar isdivided intoparts of equal size— be verbalizedbecause this is the essential concept of a fraction. Naming and IdentifyingFractionBars The following three activitieswill assess students’ abilities to translate from a concretemodel to awritten or spokenname. 1. Display fractionbars.Ask avolunteer toname the shadedpart of eachbar. To encourage students to visualize thenumber of parts thewhole isdivided into, ask threequestions: Howmanypartshas thewhole beendivided into?Howmanyparts are shaded? What fractional part is shaded? 2. Write a fractionon theboardor overhead, e.g.,¾.Ask students tofind abar tomatch the fraction anddraw apictureof the fraction. Repeatwithother bars. abar tomatch the fractionordraw apictureof the fraction. Repeatwithother fractionnames. same size same shape congruent samewidthandheight same areaand perimeter same thickness sameweight samematerial all divided intoparts of equal size* colors divided intodifferent parts number of shaded parts differs number of barsof any one color differs Similarities Differences This pageprovides opportunities for students toname fractions from shaded regions andgeneralizehow three fractions are alike according to some attribute. Illustrate problem5with fractionbars. Have students complete thepageon their own. What’sMySecret? With apartner or small group, students take turns selecting a subset of fractionbars that are alike inone way.Others in the group try toguess the secret.Demonstrate an exampleby showing all thebars of one color andhave students guess the secret of the sorting. Otherways the studentswill sortmay include everything shaded, nothing shaded, onepart shaded, equivalent parts shaded, and soon. Skill Builders 11-1 19 ©MathTeachersPress, Inc.,Reproduction by anymeans is strictly prohibited. 5. Similarity: _____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 7. Similarity: _____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 6. Similarity: _____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 8. Similarity: _____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ These fraction bars have been sorted into groups by someway they are alike, or similar. Find the similarity. NamingFractions Howwould 4 people equally share a pizza? Write the fraction andwordname for each shadedpart. 1. ____ _____________________ 3. ____ _____________________ 2. ____ _____________________ 4. ____ _____________________ The terms of a fraction are the numerator and denominator . numerator denominator (number of parts being counted) (number of parts thewhole has been divided into) 1 4 all split into2parts all have the same fractionshadedor all show one thirdof awhole all showone part of awhole all are one part away from beingawhole three-fourths two-thirds seven-tenths two-fifths 3 4 2 3 7 10 2 5 Representational Abstract Concrete Grade6
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