EXT 3-6 Sampler
38 Grade3 DrawingMultiplicationFacts 27 ©Math TeachersPress, Inc.,Reproduction by anymeans is strictly prohibited. DrawingMultiplicationFacts Drawasmall picture.Writeanumber sentence. Solve. Jicole shaded2 rows of 5 squares. She shaded10 squares inall. 2 rows of 5 squares =______ 2 5= ______ squares 1. Wally has 6 cars. Each car has 4wheels. Howmanywheels are there? _______ ____ _______ = 2. Thereare2 shelves of books. Each shelf has 8books. Howmany books are there? _______ ____ _______ = 3. Thereare 5 rows of desks. Each rowhas 6 desks. Howmany desks are there? _______ ____ _______ = 4. Thereare3bike racks. Each bike rack holds 5 bikes. Howmany bikes are in the rackswhen they are full? _______ ____ _______ = Susiehas 3 rows of tomatoes inher garden. There are4 tomatoplants in each row. Howmany tomatoplants are there? Draw a picture. 3 rows of 4plants =_______ 3 4=_______ plants 5. Outlineand shadeapictureof 2 4. 2 4=________ shaded squares 6. Outline and shadeapicture of 3 6. 3 6=________ shaded squares 10 12 6 5 2 3 × × × × 4 6 8 Pictures will vary 18 8 5 24 30 16 15 10 12 27 Objective20, 48: Tobuild an array as amodel of a multiplication fact. ELL Materials: Interlocking cubes, InchGraphPaper (Master 4), stapler, scissors Vocabulary: array BuildingArrays andDrawingPictures Eachpair or small group shouldhave interlocking cubes, sheets of InchGraphPaper (Master 4) and scissors. Makea set of 3 cubes.Howmanygroupsof 3doyou have? (1) Howmany cubes inall? (3) Write the multiplication fact. (1 3=3) Nowmakeagroupof 3orange cubes.Write the multiplication sentence that shows twogroupsof three. (2 3=6) Arrangeyour2groupsof 3 cubes to forma rectangle. Howmanygroupsor rowsof 3doyouhave? (2) How many cubes inall? (6) Write themultiplication fact. (2 3=6) Repeat this procedure through9groups of 3. Wehave justmademodelsof themultiplication facts for the threes.We call thesemodels “arrays.”Anarray is a rectangleor squarewithnomissing corners.The sidesof the rectangleare thenumbersbeingmultiplied.The product oranswer is equal to thenumberof cubesor small squares inside thearray. Now,wewill drawpicturesof eachof thearrays in the 3s familyongraphpaper. Outlineanarray to show1groupof 3.Thearraywill look like1 rowof 3 squares.Write1 3onyourarray. The firstnumber inamultiplication sentence indicates thenumberof rows, and the secondnumber tellshowmany squares ineach row. Repeat through9groups of 3.Have each student or small group cut out theirnine arrays and staple them at the top tomake a stair of 3s. The students shouldwrite the answer to each fact on the backof the array so they canuse them todrill and checkon themultiplication factswith the3s. Columns Rows 1 2 1 2 3 1x3 1 3 2 1 Makenine arrays and assemble stairs for the2s, 4s and 5s in the sameway. Work the2 examples at the topof thepage together. Have studentsdraw apictureof 3 rowswith4 tomato plants in each row.Have studentsworkwithpartners to finish thepage. Skill Builders 20-3, 20-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 Staple all strips at the top. 1 x 3 Put the larger arrays in back of the smaller ones. Write the answers on the back of each array. 1 x 3 2 x 3 3 x 3 4 x 3 5 x 3 6 x 3 7 x 3 8 x 3 9 x 3 2 x 3 4 x 3 3 x 3 Lesson8, 3ETeacherGuide 3.OA.1, 3.OA.3, 3.OA.4 The stairwayof arrays is a helpful support students use toaidmemorization of facts. Cubes are connected topictures of arrayson graphpaper.
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