EXT 3-6 Sampler
35 ExpandedNotation Objective1: Tobuildmodels anddrawpictures of numerals. Towritenumbers in expandednotation. ELL Materials: Base tenblocks, PlaceValueMats (Masters 1 and2), 6-sideddice MatchingModels:Pictures fromNumerals To assist understandingof the concept of place value, facilitate the following activities: 1. Writingnumerals fromblocks. Display a set of ones, tens, andhundreds blocks.At first, donotuse tenormoreof anyonekindof block.Ask the students todescribewhat they see.Askhow theywould recordwhat they see. Repeatwith adifferent set of blocks. When students are able to correctly record thenumeral, display a set of blockshaving10ormoreones blocks, so that studentsmust exchange10ones for 1 tenbefore recording. Then, display a set of blockshaving10ormore tens blocks, so that studentsmust exchange10 tens for 1 hundredblockbefore recording. Display a set of blockshaving7ones blocks, no tens blocks and2hundreds blocks to introduce zero as a placeholder. 2. Buildingblocks fromnumerals. Write a3-digit numeral on theboard.Ask students to explainwhat eachdigit in thenumeralmeans.Askhow to read thisnumber. Then ask them tobuild thenumberwithbase tenblocks onPlaceValueMats. This activity canbepracticed in pairs. 3. Drawingpictures fromnumbers. Write anumeral on theboard.Have studentsdraw a picture, using small squares forhundreds, vertical lines for tens anddots for ones, as shown. Example: 243= ssssd 4. Buildingblocks andwritingnumerals fromoral presentation. Say a3-digit numeral aloud, twohundred thirty-nine. Students build thenumberwithbase tenblocks and record it. Direct attention to the first example at the topof the page.Have students build and trace thepictureof 342. Studentsmay complete thepagewith apartner or on their own. Hammer to 100Game Game for 2players.Usebase tenblocks in apile: 1hundred flat, 20 tens, and 30ones. Players take turns rolling a6-sided die and removing thenumber rolled from thepile. Each time aplayer gets 10ormoreones, they are exchanged for 1 ten. The first player toget exactly10 tens is to exchange them for the100 flat and is thewinner. If a playerhas 96 and rolls a5, she losesher turnbecause she must get exactly to100. Journal Prompt Draw apicture andwrite thewords for the number below: 273 Skill Builders 1-1, 1-3 2 ©Math TeachersPress, Inc.,Reproduction by anymeans is strictly prohibited. 4. What digit is in the hundreds place? ______ 6. What digit is in the tens place?______ Drawa for eachhundred, a for each ten anda for eachoneon theplacevalue mat.Writeeachnumber in expanded formand thenwrite thewordname for thenumber. 1. 214 Hundreds Tens Ones 537 657 264 708 2. 476 Hundreds Tens Ones 3. What digit is in the tens place?______ 5. What digit is in the ones place? ______ ________+________+________ _____________________________ ________+________+________ _____________________________ Hundreds Tens Ones Thesamenumber can be shown indifferent forms. 3hundreds +4 tens +2 ones 300 + 40 + 2 ExpandedNotation 3 4 2 You candrawapicture. 200 400 10 4 70 6 7 3 0 2 twohundred fourteen four hundredseventy-six Lesson2, 3ETeacherGuide 2 Grade3 Studentsdrawpictures of theabstract numbers. Avery important game for developingan understanding of 100.
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