EXT 3-6 Sampler
20 29 ©Math TeachersPress, Inc.,Reproduction by anymeans is strictly prohibited. Meaning of Division Divisionmeans to share or break a number apart into groups of equal size. The answer in a division problem is called the quotient. Fred and his friends collect sports cards from cereal boxes. They have collected 12 sports cards. If Fred and a friend share the cards equally, howmany cardswill each person receive? Complete the tables to show two differentways to show the division. Write a division sentence to solve each problem. 3. There are 10 children on the playground. The group is divided equally into2 teams.Howmany children are on each team? ________÷ ________= n n = _________ 5. The scout leader put the 30 scouts into 5 groups of equal size.Howmany scoutswere in each small group? ________÷ ________= n n = _________ 4. The teacher put 20 students into 4 reading groups of equal size.How many studentswere in each group? ________÷ ________= n n = _________ 6. The after school chess club has 18members.Each chessboard is for 2 players.Howmany boards are needed? ________÷ ________= n n = _________ 1. Share 10 sports cards. 2. Share 8 sports cards. Total Number of Division Cards for Cards Friends Fact Each Friend 10 2 10÷2=5 5 10 5 Total Number of Division Cards for Cards Friends Fact Each Friend 8 2 8 4 6 212 or 12 ÷ 2 = 6 quotient 5 210 7. What does divisionmean?Explain it to your partner. 10 2 There are 12 cards shared by 2 people, so each person gets ____cards. 12÷ 2= 6 10÷5=5)1—0 8÷4=4)—8 8÷2=2)—8 2 4 20 4 2 18 5 5 6 5 9 30 2 6 Divisionmeans takinganumberapart intogroupsof equalsize. 29 Objective25, 29: To introduce the concept of division as sharing. PD Materials: Counters (cubes, buttons, pennies), paper plates, index cards Vocabulary: division, quotient Read toMe: TheDoorbell Rang, Hutchins, Pat TheConcept of Division Read TheDoorbell Rang byPatHutchins, if it is available. After reading the storyonce, reread it and, as thepages are turned, ask students touse12 counters andpaperplates to show the sharingon eachplate. If thebook isnot available,makeup aproblem for students to solveusing cubes andpaperplates. Example: There are12 animal crackers in aplastic bag. The crackersneed tobe shared fairlywith2 students. Howmany crackerswill each student receive? 3 students? 4 students? 6 students? 12 students?Ask a student to describewhat happened after each sharing. (Thenumber was taken apart intogroups of equal size.) Writeon theboard: We canalsouseaboxora letter towriteanumber sentence: 12÷2= or12÷2= n .Whenwe takeapart anumber intogroupsof equal size,wearedividing. Divisionmeans sharingor takingapart anumber into groupsof equal size.Theanswer inadivisionproblem is called thequotient. Divisionmeans takinganumberapart into groupsof equal size. Read the exampleproblem at the topof thepage together. Studentsmayworkwith apartnerusing counters to represent theobjects being shared.Onepartner shares the counters and theotherpartner records thenumber of counters on eachplate. Workproblem1with the class.Askhowmany counters will beon eachplate if 10 counters are sharedbetween2 plates. Share the counters and ask for the relateddivision fact (10÷2=5).Now askhowmany counterswill beon eachplate if 10 counters are sharedbetween5plates (10÷5=2). Point out that problems 3 and6 are examples of the twodifferentways of taking anumber apart intogroups of equal size: 1. Sharingobjects to findout howmanygoon eachplate. 2. Distributing the samenumber of objects on each plate and finding thenumber of platesneeded. 2 6 12 3 4 12 4 3 12 6 2 12 12 1 12 VocabularyBingo Skill Builders 25-2 Write13vocabularywords learned so far on theboard. Be sure to include thewords “division” and “quotient.” Other vocabularywords learned so far include place value, even, odd,multiple, rounding, estimate, order property, groupingproperty, regrouping, parentheses, product, factors, andarray. Studentswill useSkill Builder 25-2 to create abingo sheet using9of the13vocabularywords on theboard. Studentswillwrite aword in eachof the9boxes. (Each student should choose forhimselfwhichwords towrite in eachbox so the sheets arenot identical.)The teacher makes 13 index cardswith thedefinitionof one vocabulary wordwrittenon each.While the teacherdraws a card and reads it aloud, the studentsuse a counter to cover thematchingwordon their bingo sheet.A studentwho covers threewords in a rowwins thebingo. Skill Builders 25-1, 29-1 multiplication factor variable timessign order property product multiple Lesson 10, 4ETeacherGuide 4.OA.2, 4.OA.3, 4.NBT.6 LessonPlanPage PD Step5 ProfessionalDevelopment inEveryLesson The LessonPlan sectionof theTeacherManual contains everything the teacher needs to doand say for each lesson . TheC–R–Amodel is implemented inevery lesson. 1. Starting the Lesson Each lesson states the learningobjec- tives,materialsneeded, and themath vocabularywords. Select lessonsmay also includea children’s story. 2. Realworldproblems and childrens stories areusedas a vehicle for intro- ducingmath concepts. This section presents themath concept at the concrete stageof learning. Anactive, hands-onapproachwith trueman- ipulativesdevelopsunderstandingof the concept. Lessons are lightly scripted inbold type to support the teacher. Key ideas for teachers to say. 3. Pictures at the topof thepage linkhands-onactivity topracticeat theabstract stage. Thought bubbles support andguide standard thinking. 4. Additional instructional support is provided in the formof games, a class file forwritingwordproblems, and suggested skill-buildingexercises of reproduciblematerials from the Masters andSkill Builders section of theTeacherManual. Games. Students strengthen their problem-solving skills as theyapply themath concept used ineachgame. Skill-BuildingPractice. Many lessons include follow-uppractice to support the lessonandprovideadditional differentiated instruction for ELL and students with special needs. Objectives for CCSS, CCSS-CA, andTEKSnotedon lessonplans in respectiveTeacherManuals. Professional Development icon alert indicates avideo lesson. Available ineGuide.
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